Recent Projects
In recent years, IC4ML has focused on continuing to develop the Journal of Media Literacy, which transitioned to a solely online platform in 2019. Check out the new Storytelling issue, and our first digital issue on Ecomedia Literacy.
Past Projects
The National Telemedia Council has pioneered many special projects over the years, ranging from evaluations to children’s film festivals to teacher workshops to TV by and for kids to satellite interconnects.
The Look Listen Project
From 1953 to 1983, the American Council for Better Broadcasts conducted its annual Look Listen Opinion Poll which asked viewers to exercise their skills in judging program quality. Following the guidelines provided, the viewers were asked to assign a rating to each program and write an evaluative explanation in support of that rating. It emphasizes reasons for people’s likes and dislikes, and so supplied information not touched by most polls. Copies of the annual report were sent to networks, sponsors, the FCC, and Congressional committees—in short, to those who influenced programming.
Project Postcard
Project Postcard, founded by Ruth Plaguer, was a “do-it-yourself” direct communication with a sponsor who pays the bills and/or the network which is responsible for what goes out over the public airwaves which it uses in trust. The TV Viewer cards gave guidelines for comment if desired and a booklet of sponsor addresses which made it possible for the viewers to mail their comments directly to a place where it counts. Participants were asked to send a duplicate to an ACBB chairperson. “So here is a way to have your say! Broadcasters and sponsors do listen, and the more of us who have something to say, the surer we are to be heard.”