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Author Profile: Rosemary Smith
Managing DirectorGetting Better FoundationRosemary was Vice President & National Sales Manager of Eagle Radio Group, headquartered in Northern Michigan. She and her husband, Kent built their media group from the ground up, including radio towers, buildings and talent. In 2018, the Smiths sold their group of radio stations, relocating to Montana to be closer to their four adult children. That's where Rosemary met Joe Phelps, founder of the Getting Better Foundation. Realizing their missions were aligned, Rosemary came on board as Managing Director for the Foundation. Rosemary’s passion for making things better for everyone she meets and the environment she loves provides the Foundation a perfect fit. Her research, writing, networking and communication skills are assets used to drive it's latest project,Trust Me, a feature documentary film, forward.Learn more about Rosemary here: