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Author Profile: Daniel Chappell Voysest
Director of Pi-Ar, Founding MemberPeruvian Marketing SocietyDaniel Chappell Voysest is an MBA Graduate from ESAN and economist from the University of Lima. He is a business consultant in marketing and strategic management, a former teacher at the University of Lima, ESAN and Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, and a former member of the Ethics Committee at the National Society of Radio and Television. He was a founding partner in 1998 of Pi-Ar, as a diversified agency in communication services for corporate clients and Director of the Radio Committee since 1998. (major radio guild) and IDECOM, a non-profit organization that promotes research in audience rights. From Pi-Ar he has promoted the creation of at least 5 Guilds for strengthening sectors like sugar, coffee production, fire protection and commercial radio. He is currently the Director of Pi-Ar and a founding member of the Peruvian Marketing Society.