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Author Profile: Tessa Jolls
President and CEOCenter for Media LiteracyTessa Jolls is President and CEO of the Center for Media Literacy (CML), a position she has held since 1999. She also founded the Consortium for Media Literacy, a nonprofit which provides research and thought leadership. Jolls was awarded the Fulbright NATO Security Studies Award in Brussels in 2021, as well as a Visiting Scholar position at UCLouvain, where she continues to serve as a Contributing Scientist, She also served as a 2019 Fulbright Specialist for a two-week assignment in Bulgaria, where she provided workshop trainings. She serves on the International Steering Committee of UNESCO”s MIL Alliance, and was recognized for her contributions in 2015 in receiving the Global Media and Information Literacy Award, in recognition of her work in Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, from the UNESCO-initiated GAPMIL, in cooperation with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). In 2014, Jolls was honored with the International Media Literacy Award by Gateway Media Literacy Partners; in 2013, she was recognized with the Jesse McCanse Award for Individual Contribution to Media Literacy by the National Telemedia Council.