Conference season comes with excitement and possibilities. As this issue comes to fruition what is apparent is how much people have found joy and rejuvenation in celebrating their work while learning form their counterparts from all over the world in 2024. As the founder of the International Media Literacy Research Symposium (IMLRS), the goal has always been to bring … [Read more...] about Conference Conversations
Conference Reflections
Media Literacy 2024: A Vibrant Summer in a Year of Excellence
The year 2024 will be remembered as a remarkable one in the field of media literacy. This is a personal perspective that I aim to substantiate in this text by presenting seven key reasons: There are many more outcomes that were produced from these conference events. You will read more about them in this issue which documents the research as well as the learning obtained. … [Read more...] about Media Literacy 2024: A Vibrant Summer in a Year of Excellence
Travel far enough, you meet yourself
This quote by David Mitchell, a British author describes my summer of travel very well. Immersing yourself when you travel leads to more than just making memories. Combining travel with intellectually stimulating conferences and opening yourself to a community of people who are all willing to share their perspectives and work with you is so empowering. It can be … [Read more...] about Travel far enough, you meet yourself
How can we teach curiosity for successful media literacy?
Abstract Curiosity is not only fundamental to media literacy but also a characteristic that can be taught and nurtured. Through a series of carefully developed practical exercises with theoretical underpinnings, this study reports that educators can cultivate curiosity in their students, empowering them to become engaged global citizens and critical thinkers. This paper … [Read more...] about How can we teach curiosity for successful media literacy?
Enhancing Trust in News through Digital and Media Education – Insights on Academic Initiatives
Abstract The phenomenon of misinformation has accelerated and reached an extraordinary dimension, which has the potential to seriously damage democracy, and media education is one of the strategies to counter it. In recent years, scholars, school educators, media NGOs, journalists, and other stakeholders have focused on the importance of media education and media literacy in … [Read more...] about Enhancing Trust in News through Digital and Media Education – Insights on Academic Initiatives
The challenges of implementing Media Literacy in a school in São Paulo
Abstract This article explores a teacher education course held in a private school in São Paulo, Brazil, as part of my doctoral research, in the field of reading literacy. The course focused on the importance of reading with a view to analyzing, identifying, comparing, contrasting and evaluating the information that we are all exposed to daily. The goal of this paper is to … [Read more...] about The challenges of implementing Media Literacy in a school in São Paulo
The Role of Emerging Technologies in Enhancing Immersive Literacy in News Media Organizations: A Qualitative Case Study Approach
Abstract The study explores the impact of emerging technologies—Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and the Metaverse—on immersive literacy within news media organizations. Through a qualitative case study approach, the research investigates how these technologies transform immersive journalism, shifting audiences from passive consumers to active participants. … [Read more...] about The Role of Emerging Technologies in Enhancing Immersive Literacy in News Media Organizations: A Qualitative Case Study Approach
Analysing journalism diet through sentiments: A pedagogical approach to entangle the role of emotions in news literacy education
Abstract This essay seeks to highlight the fundamental role of emotions in the formation of news literacy and, consequently, in related pedagogy. Journalism or news literacy education is an emerging field that encompasses activities aimed at increasing journalism literacy among different groups of people. Journalism literacy is understood as the knowledge of the processes by … [Read more...] about Analysing journalism diet through sentiments: A pedagogical approach to entangle the role of emotions in news literacy education
Interactive Media Education Model for High School Students in Croatia: Case Study of EDUbox
Abstract Students in high schools worldwide have already been recognized as a challenging audience for various types of media education programs (Dridi, 2021; Chen & Chuang, 2020). We introduce and analyze the interactive media education teaching model for high school students – EDUbox – developed by the Flemish public broadcaster VRT. This project brought together five … [Read more...] about Interactive Media Education Model for High School Students in Croatia: Case Study of EDUbox
Navigating My AI Journey: The Power of Literacy in Overcoming Challenges
Abstract In the face of rapid AI advancements, my unexpected layoff from Microsoft News in June 2020 marked the beginning of a transformative journey. With a rich journalism background spanning over a decade, including roles at Zeenews and Jagran, I found myself grappling with uncertainty. This led to a deep curiosity about AI, prompting me to enroll in a PhD program despite … [Read more...] about Navigating My AI Journey: The Power of Literacy in Overcoming Challenges
Quo vadis, media literacy? Notes from Latvia, Bulgaria and the USA
Abstract Investigating and comparing the contents of recent media texts and policy documents about Media Literacy (ML) initiatives in Latvia, Bulgaria and the USA, our analysis responds to the questions: (1) what is the current state of discourse about ML in respective countries?; and (2) in what ways are ML related to national security, defense against propaganda and the … [Read more...] about Quo vadis, media literacy? Notes from Latvia, Bulgaria and the USA
Film Criticism of Documentary Movies as a Media Literacy Tool
Abstract The documentary production is seen as an open space for different genres and styles, contributing to creating an intense spirit of experimentation. Despite this, a large part of the public mistakenly considers that documentaries are limited to the journalistic and dissertative format, based on a supposed objectivity that would be capable of leading to the definitive … [Read more...] about Film Criticism of Documentary Movies as a Media Literacy Tool
Digital Nutritionists: Media Literacy in Primary Schools
Abstract This paper discusses the rationales, design principles, and implementation details of a media literacy project, titled “Digital Nutritionists” which is a one-hour workshop tailor-made for primary schools in Hong Kong, with the intention of introducing key concepts regarding media use to children aged between 9 and 11 through an experiential and active learning … [Read more...] about Digital Nutritionists: Media Literacy in Primary Schools
From Gen Z to Gen Z: Teaching and Promoting Media and Information Literacy Through Service-Learning
Abstract This paper introduces service learning as a new pedagogic approach to teaching and promoting media and information literacy (MIL) in the community. It illustrates how 118 university students participated in a service-learning project in Hong Kong and taught MIL to schoolchildren and young adults (members of Gen Z). The paper discusses what the project achieved, the … [Read more...] about From Gen Z to Gen Z: Teaching and Promoting Media and Information Literacy Through Service-Learning
Media Literacy is Contextual and Relational
Abstract This article describes how a high school science teacher incorporated Eco Media Literacy into an elective Sustainability course in a suburban high school. A variety of materials were used to source the curriculum with an emphasis on Eco Media Literacy specifically,Environmental Ideology and Discourses. The various contexts that impact media literacy in a classroom are … [Read more...] about Media Literacy is Contextual and Relational
Voices from the Front Lines: First Responders’ Perspectives on the Role of Media Literacy in Emergency Management
Abstract This reflection explores the perspectives of first responders from various countries on the importance and relevance of media literacy skills in their profession. Through a series of in-depth interviews and dialogues with firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), and paramedics from diverse cultural and operational backgrounds, I uncover the unique … [Read more...] about Voices from the Front Lines: First Responders’ Perspectives on the Role of Media Literacy in Emergency Management
Teens consuming disturbing news on media and the role of school
Introduction Teenagers today consume a lot of news about global challenges, ranging from climate change to social justice. Just one decade ago, families could filter news from the outside world, but now minors can access anything on their mobile phones without adult guidance. Despite restrictions regarding age and consent, online channels offer both information and … [Read more...] about Teens consuming disturbing news on media and the role of school
Magic in the Mundane: Media Literacy Advocacy Advice from Carol Arcus
On Friday, June 28, 2024, Carol Arcus, from the Association for Media Literacy in Canada, won the Jessie McCanse Award for Significant Contributions to the Field of Media Literacy Education. As someone fortunate enough to work alongside Carol regularly, I was keen to hear her acceptance speech. Carol, as many modest people do when confronted by recognition of their … [Read more...] about Magic in the Mundane: Media Literacy Advocacy Advice from Carol Arcus
Building Digital Immunity – Insights from DCN’s Conference in Finland
Attending the “Unlocking Media Literacy” conference in Finland was a powerful experience that underscored media literacy's pivotal role in today’s society. Presenting my country’s media literacy policy framework and initiatives and learning from international counterparts offered a comprehensive view of the evolving media landscape and strategies for enhancing public … [Read more...] about Building Digital Immunity – Insights from DCN’s Conference in Finland
Is media literacy dead? Challenging conversations for these digital times
The joy of meeting like-minded thinkers and researchers was palpable as a small group of media literacy education scholars from Belgium, Switzerland, South Korea, the United States, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and Sydney met in August for the Media Literacy within the Dynamics of Everyday Life Symposium hosted by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child at … [Read more...] about Is media literacy dead? Challenging conversations for these digital times