Attending the 5th International Media Literacy Research Symposium in The Azores was an experience that I will always look back on with such fondness. There was a lot of personal and professional growth that I had the opportunity to experience through this trip. Traveling internationally with a group of my fellow classmates and alumni and navigating a new country was a learning experience on its own but one that was met with so much joy. I look back on this trip with such awe at the real work that is being done to make the world a more educated place. Listening to people from all over the world and all different walks of life was inspiring because it is one thing to read about the change that is being made, the policies that are being made, and the activism, but to meet the people behind this work; that is a different kind of empowering. They have a passion to learn and truly make change.
Since this was my first conference, I was not sure what to expect in terms of the make-up of the attendees and where I would fit. I was pleasantly surprised to not only feel heard but sought out for my thoughts, opinions, and perspectives. This was such an empowering feeling, one that gives me so much confidence to join conversations that I may not have otherwise felt qualified to partake in before.
I also want to reflect on the panel discussion that my group and I conducted and how interested and invested the audience was to hear our thoughts and opinions. Many came with questions and were eager to understand our perspectives on the current media literacy climate and how to connect with students in the way Dr. Belinha De Abreu has with our group. I was even able to screen my short documentary “Look Up” that highlights the control that phones have on our lives. Many asked if they would be able to share the video with others which was extremely fulfilling. The entire experience really opened my eyes to the value that we as young adults have in the conversation of increasing media literacy education.
I am filled with gratitude and honor that Dr. Belinha De Abreu welcomed us to attend this event and for Sacred Heart University’s generosity to sponsor our trip.
Current Issues
- Media and Information Literacy: Enriching the Teacher/Librarian Dialogue
- The International Media Literacy Research Symposium
- The Human-Algorithmic Question: A Media Literacy Education Exploration
- Education as Storytelling and the Implications for Media Literacy
- Ecomedia Literacy
- Conference Reflections
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