Systems powered by artificial intelligence are increasingly present in our daily lives. While the use of AI enhances convenience and accelerates innovation, it also raises critical concerns regarding privacy, information integrity and trust, and may deepen inequalities. “Making the invisible visible” is a presentation in ’zine format of EducaMídia’s efforts to bring algorithmic and AI literacy to K12 education and to the general public in Brazil, through flexible and accessible resources. Moving beyond traditional computer science and job-readiness objectives, this initiative champions the integration of democratic values, equity, and social justice in a data-driven society, by shedding light on the technical structures that govern our access to information and mediate many of our interactions, and advocating for a hands-on, creative, and emancipatory approach to information education and media literacy.
Algorithmic Literacy, Media Literacy, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Citizenship

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Current Issues
- Public Commons
- Media and Information Literacy: Enriching the Teacher/Librarian Dialogue
- The International Media Literacy Research Symposium
- The Human-Algorithmic Question: A Media Literacy Education Exploration
- Education as Storytelling and the Implications for Media Literacy
- Ecomedia Literacy
- Conference Reflections
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